Annual report for trophy hunting in Kazakhstan. Season  2017.

For the country’s hunting industry, it was a year full of shocks and innovations, which couldn't not affect our company. After having a great season of 2016 we successfully sold the major amount of our tours for 2017, while represented our company on a Hunt show at Paris and Dortmund. So the news about banning hunting at the National Parks of Kazakhstan was a really unpleasant surprise for us!
First of all it’s affect the reputation of Kazakhstan. Since foreign customers can not understand how this is possible after the timing is agreed, tickets are paid and all fees are paid !

Nevertheless we managed, though not in full, to coordinate with customers and change the location of hunting.
Just in time we got four new hunting facilities, which were discussed in the annual report for 2016. Our company continues to actively expand the geography of hunting facilities and we hope that next year there will be even more available properties.
So let's go over our new and old hunting territories.

East Kazakhstan:

Hunting farm and lodge Belozek

Hunting altitude is 2000-2500 meters above the sea level making Belozek the perfect destination for people with average physical abilities. Horse riding skills could be useful. 2-3 nights in the mountain camps are possible. The distance of the shot is 200-300 meters.

About 35000 hectares of our property is bordered by hundreds of kilometers of state nature conservancy land,which are properties that do not allow unwanted trespassings. The density of maral in these territories is pristine, and in a day the one easy can observe tens of animals.

In this territory you can also catch: the wolf, lynx, wolverine, bear, elk, Siberian roe deer and wild boar ... This region is also rich in game hunting birds: capercaillie, black grouse, white partridge.

Hunting farm and lodge Naryn

This property is located in the mountains of Southern Tarbagatai,and it’s a true sheep’s paradise!
The high count of argali gives as a hope that this territory will be open for argali hunting.

As usual, some statistics on the calibers used by trophy hunters:

300win mag - 30%
7rem mag - 25%
Other 300’s -17%
270wsm - 13%
Others- 15%

Dzhungarian Alatau

Lodges Tastau and Kendyrstal located in Southern Dzhuungariya. All territories surrounded by fencing structure and along the south border neighbors with China. As for now this is the best trophy destination in Kazakhstan where within one trip the you can hunt an ibex trophy at 120 sm and maral’s trophy scored over 13 kg. The largest trophy of Ibex is 136cm and maral’s 15.6 kg.

The ibex trophy series this year is simply magnificent! Four trophies are more than 130cm each, the average size for all the hunts was 123.8cm!
For sure no other Ibex hunt outfitters can achieve this size range !

For more information about the population of Ibex in Kazakhstan and trophy qualities read the material : Assessment of trophy qualities and habitats of the Ibex population in Kazakhstan.

Excellent trophies maral fr om Dzungaria are replaced the super trophies from the Kulsai lakes, wh ere Hunting has been closed since this year.
But the most incredible thing was that three hunters managed to make a maral-ibex comb !
Especially want to note that in this territory the hunt was conducted until the middle of November, which makes it possible to increase the throughput of hunting facilities. The control line with China protects our properties native wildlife,trees and plants.

There are no cattle and shepherds here, no poachers are wondering around ,this territory is used exclusively for trophy hunting. Remote rough hollows,endless woods,ponds,brush fields
And kilometers of mountains make up the rest of the landscape of Ibex Heaven.
Tastau is a unique hunting territory, which trophy records were included in the trophy book SCI.

The geography of hunters differs significantly from last year.

USA 30%
Russia 30%
Spain 10%
Latvia 10%
Other countries 20%

Many hunters fr om Russia still come on a budget program for maral in the hunting farm of the Dardamty which is well known and popular to our neighbors.

This hunting property is within a short driving distance from the city, and after the new highway is put into operation, the road to the farm is not difficult at all. Availability of the service in the mountains makes possible to hunt in a time-saving environment, quickly if necessary to re-book flights and return to the city.

Not less popular is the Ketmen tract property , wh ere for the first time , this year was conducted a combined hunting using traditional firearms and golden eagles.
The group from Great Britain was able to join the nomadic life of the Kazakhs, and get familiar with the ancient secrets of berkutchi. In the coming season, we plan to actively develop this direction.

Some information about the brands of weapons used by hunters.
Mostly these carbines of brands: Merkel, Blaser, Christensen arms, Sauer, Heym, Mc Millan, Winchester, Remington.
There were some unknown or custom made guns as well.

Our company continues to actively develop new directions.
In the new season there will be new territories with an emphasis on Siberian roe deer, Central Asian goat and maral, as well as feathered game.
New properties are located in the Almaty county and will satisfy the needs of both trophies and recreational hunters.

For all questions please contact us:

Nurlan Kikimov, general manager +7 701 250 20 50,

Aly Aliev, hunting adventure consultant,