Annual report for trophy hunting in Kazakhstan. Season  2016.

Trophy hunting is the main funding source for protection and biotechnology in modern hunting sectors. Senior males that are above fertile age and would inevitably face death of cold winter or predators are taken out of the wild. This practice is used globally and supports steady growth of the planet’s bioresources.

At the end of a hunting season our outfitter company traditionally conducts a count of the passing season. This summary report gives an idea of the main points of trophy hunting in Kazakhstan.

For two years our company has been the unofficial leader among outfitters in the country. Despite the worldwide economic recession, we have managed again to increase the inflow of foreign tourists-hunters to our country during this season. This was a result of meticulous, systematic customer relations management and continuous participation in international expos and hunting shows.



It is certain that this season’s demand has exceeded supply; therefore we have focused on increasing available licenses for main types of trophy animals by finding new destinations and possibilities. We are hoping to introduce four new areas for the next hunting season: Trans-Ili Alatau, Eastern and Western Dzhungaria, Kazakhstani Altai region. During successful test-hunting in 2016 we have obtained excellent trophies of maral, ibex, and Siberian roe deer.

Briefly about conducted tours and major destinations.
Altyn Emel hunting territory has been hosting hunters from all over the world for 25 years. It’s site class is the highest among Kazakhstan territories, thus the quantity of hoofed animals is comparable to the animal density of African countries. This place is the classic for ibex hunting.

Exciting hunting experience is guaranteed for both veteran hunters and beginners due to well-trained guides, good conditions, and easy mountains.

Among herds of wild animals, goitered or black-tailed gazelles, onagers, the lands of this national park offer multiple historical sites of the Neolithic era. Petroglyphic drawings, ancient burial hills and tombs can be visited during a hunting tour.

Geographic landscape presents vast variety as well: rocky cliffs, chalk deposits, red mountains, and a rear natural site – the singing dunes. Average ibex trophies in this area are 110-115cm, an all-time record of 148cm horns ibex has been taken a few years ago in the Altyn Emel.

Hunting and access to animals is accomplished on foot, the landscape allows even a modestly fit hunter to approach game. The season lasts from August till November, with little snow and rain in this region. Mid November is the oestrus period for ibex and a great opportunity for hunters to obtain a large trophy

This year’s hunters were mainly coming from these parts of the world: Scandinavian countries, Baltic countries, Spain, and the Balkans. Some groups from Russia and Ukraine have been hosted as well, in accordance with the specially developed CIS program.

Clearly we shall continue to elaborate these partnerships. Perhaps the most unexpected visitors were from India and Lebanon, where hunting is prohibited.

Another popular hunting area of Kazakhstan is the Kolsai lakes. This part of the country is often referred to as the maral’s native land. Commonly large maral trophies and an opportunity of ibex-roe deer combination add attraction to this territory. The hunting tours are usually sold out at a year’s start.

The largest maral trophy was taken here during this season, same as previous years. More than 500’000 hectares of wild Kazakhstan lands, spectacular views, hard hunting, will make this a truly memorable adventure of your life. Getting about is mainly done on horses. Months of September and October are the best period for this destination.

While Kolsai is the place for large maral trophies, Sairam Ugam is undoubtedly the spot for giant trophies of ibex.

Bordering area with Uzbekistan, where hunting is almost forbidden, constantly provides trophy animals, particularly magnificent Middle-Asian ibex trophies, every season. 136, 138, 145cm are not unusual for these mountains.

It is also possible to have a combo with roe deer.

A unique, white-collar trophy was obtained during this season. Hunter’s physical condition should be above average, as the mountain hunting requires a daily coverage of at least 700-800 vertical meters on foot. Shooting skills should be strong as well, for a successful long-range shot at large trophy.

However, next year Dzhungaria is very likely to become a trophy leader among the areas we consider to launch hunting tours. Its territories have been well known among hunters from the past, and provided a world champion maral trophy together with some great ibex and roe deer trophies. After a ten year ban on hunting we are anticipating next year’s opening season.

Eastern Kazakhstan is another sought-after destination for hunters from all around the world. Certainly it is due to the world’s largest maral population in the first place, and the unique Altai ibex in the second.

Guests are welcome at our own hunting territories as well. Dardamty lands trophy and amateur hunting has been very fruitful this year. As a result of constant protection and biotechnologies the population of hoofed animals shows steady growth every season. Excellent trophy bulls have been taken by hunters from Russia and Ukraine.

Below is the traditional statistics on arms and calibers. While the situation with brands of arms is more or less the same: Blaser, Christensen Arms, Sauer, Remington, Heym, Merkel; the calibre selection has shifted more towards magnum calibers: 6,5х55 -5% , 3006 -15% , 8х68S - 10%, 7rem mag -25%,300 win mag -30%, 300wsm - 10% , 338 - 5%. Remarkably, there haven’t been any 308 or 243.

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